When that routine brake job turns into a nightmare of rusted brake lines,
impossible to find brake line fittings and unreliable flaring tools,
you've come to the right place.
You won't believe how easy Cunifer™ brake line is to work with. The 007 Flaring Tool is the easiest and most reliable flaring tool you'll ever use.
Combine these with our brake line fittings and technical assistance and you have everything you need to tame that nightmare.
FedHill is the exclusive importer for Cunifer™ brake line products. Cunifer™ is a seamless, copper-nickel alloy DOT approved brake line that is as strong as
steel, completely corrosion proof and is easier to work with than any other brake lines on the market. It is easy to bend, which allows it to be snaked into
positions that conventional brake lines cannot. Cunifer™ also flares easier, seals better and requires less prepartion than any other tubing on the market.
It does not rust, so it is perfect for any environment. No other brake tubing compares for strength, reliability and ease of installation!
Fedhill brake line out-brakes the competition!
We have been providing the finest quality brake line products available to both manufacturers and individuals since 1995. Since then, the marketplace has been flooded with
cheaper imitations. Major U.S. corporations are making claims stating that their copper/nickel tubing meets the SAE specification J1650 for copper/nickel tubing. Customers
calling with problems using the imitation tubing alerted us to investigate the competition. If you’ve been looking at the lower priced competition, please take the time to
consider why our tubing is more expensive and how that benefits you.
We purchased samples to find out what the problem was and found that the competitions claims are as flimsy as their tubing. The bare minimum specification for wall thickness
is .025”, the middle of the spec. is .028” with a max of .031” Our samples of their tubing measured at .022”, and some customers have reported a wall thickness of only .019”!
The .003” variance between the .019” and .022” samples was surprising, and the fact that it is nowhere near specification is alarming.
Working directly with manufactures for all these years, it’s no secret to us the problems with making and assembling pressure conductors (brake lines), and the burden our
product bears. Even when every component IS in spec., there are 1 out of a thousand joints that fail everyday on the assembly line, and the industry is working hard to improve
on that. Please read this white paper from the SAE to learn why.
“Sealing Robustness Improvements for Automotive Brake Tube Joint Systems SAE J2879”
Click here to view the SAE white paper.
Their tubing should cost less, a lot less. There’s between 28% to over 45% MORE metal in our tube than theirs. Our tubing is not made to the bare minimum specification but
manufactured to a tighter tolerance from the medium to the maximum of specification. Generally speaking, our tubing is more better :)
It doesn't cost that much more for the very best. More metal in your brake tube and more security for those who want the best. This causes fewer problems and less headaches
with your installation.
This is how the best of the U.S. Corporate competition measures up, and then there’s the tubing made in Mexico, China and India that’s flooding the marketplace.
High performance manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Porsche, Volvo and Audi have chosen to install copper-nickel alloy over all other materials
including stainless steel brake lines.
It is the perfect replacement brake line tubing for cars, trucks and buses. Snow plow operators know that replacement steel brake lines rust out faster than the
OEM brake lines. Two years later you're replacing the brake lines again. Cunifer™ brake lines do not rust! Ever!
This tool is 12 pounds of steel in a compact, clever arrangement that
makes flaring brake lines amazingly easy.
Using its fast cam and lever action, you can press a perfect double flare in 30 seconds and quickly change flare sizes
if you need to. Its precision made punch and smooth bore die blocks grip and form the flare without damaging the tubing. With this tool, you can make aircraft
quality flares for SAE 45 degree double (inverted) on American or metric sized tubing, DIN flares on metric tubing, and British bubble flares.
We have purchased
and tested almost every brake line flaring tool on the market and this is the finest, most reliable tool we have found. Our shop has been personally using this
tool for 20 years, and we are quite proud to now represent the manufacturer and have the honor of supplying this tool to you.
You need the fittings to complete the job. We stock a wide assortment of brake line fittings. From vintage Ferrari to modern metric, British Whitworth
threads, and a multitude of SAE/American brake line nuts including master cylinder nuts. We also carry tee's, unions, bleeders and adaptors for brake line
locks, brake proportioning valves and AN hydraulic brake tubing nuts.
Last but not least, if you have any questions or need technical help, please read through our technical help page. Replacing brake lines on a modern vehicle
really is a nightmare. You have our sympathy and support in sorting out the mess! If our web resources don't answer your questions or you have a "you can't
get there from here" situation with your plumbing, please feel free to contact us.
Shops, Wholesalers, Schools and Military personnel please call for pricing.
Mastercard, Visa, American Express Discover, PayPal and MasterPass payments accepted

Articles & Links:
A review of the history and performance of copper-nickel brake tubing.
Recent tests prove that 90/10 copper-nickel tube (UNS C70600) is superior to steel tubes when run through over 120 cycles (includes test results, pictures).
3/16"/4.75mm Brake Line Tubing
3/16"/4.75mm OD tubing x 25 foot coil
TA1-3br - 3 way Tee - 3/8" x 24 unf female tee - brass - SAE flare
3 way Tee 3/8" x 24 unf female tee SAE flare (45 degree inverted/double) This tee is brass Use with 3/16"/4.75mm brake line
TM18-3br - 3 way Tee - 10mm x 1.0 female tee - brass - DIN flare
3 way Tee 10mm x 1.0 female European, metric, tee DIN flare (bubble/ISO) This tee is brass Use with 3/16"/4.75mm brake line